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Torobamba River Valley 

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The Torobamba River Valley is located in the subhumid eastern Andes of the Ayacucho Department between the Campana Watershed and the Sillaccasa Sierra.


This ELU includes the Torobamba Valley and the Uras Valley, starting near the settlement of Cochas and progressing westward to near Pampachacra, and constitutes a landscape dominated by cultivated areas (41%) and thorny scrub (33%), with minor areas of the native resinous scrub (16%), deciduous dry forests (3%), and evergreen woodlands (3%).


The pipeline crossing at the Torobamba River at approximately 2,400 m above sea level is the lowest point of the Right of Way (RoW) in the Ayacucho Department, and this is reflected by the warmer and drier climate, with seasonal rainfall during the summer months, producing subtropical tree crops. The Torobamba Valley belongs to the Apurimac Dry Forest System.


A characteristic element of the dry forest remnants are the Pati trees (Eriotheca spp.), including E. vargasii, a species endemic to the Apurimac system. The Torobamba Valley is also home to a regionally endemic dry forest lizard, Stenocercus cf. apurimacus.

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