The Cold Sea of the Peruvian Current
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The cold sea of the Peruvian Current extends along the Peruvian coast from the southern limit with Chile to 5 ° south latitude at Punta Pariñas - Piura. On this coast is where the loading dock of LNG tankers and associated maritime facilities is located. The Peruvian Current, also called the Humboldt Current, transports sub-Antarctic and subtropical water masses from south to north, which determine low temperatures, with an average of 13 to 14 ° C in winter (May-October) and 15 to 17 ° C in summer (November-April).
The cold sea of the Peruvian Current is characterized by the phenomenon of upwelling or upwelling, upward vertical movement of water masses of deep strata towards the surface, brings cold and nutrient-rich waters (nitrates, phosphates, silicates, etc.) that determine an extremely favorable medium for primary productivity (phyto and zooplankton). Due to this phenomenon there is a great wealth and abundance of marine species (algae, macroinvertebrates and fish) that are of great economic importance for the local fishing communities and the industrial fishery. Among the common species of importance to the country are sea lions, seabirds, marine fish and benthic communities.