Sillaccasa Sierra
Associated protocols
Rana altoandina (Telmatobius jelskii)
Matorralero de máscara negra (Atlapetes melanopsis)
Lagartijas (Liolaemus sp. y Proctoporus sp.)
Bagre altoandino (Trichomycterus sp.)
Queñual tree (Polylepis pauta)
Mamiferos pequeños (enfasis en Thomasomys kalinowskii)
Novedades de este ELU
The Sillaccasa Sierra is located in the subhumid eastern Andes of the Ayacucho Department between the Torobamba and Yucay river valleys. The Sillaccasa Sierra is composed of the Sillaccasa, Incapara, and Motoynioc ranges that separate the Mantaro (to the west) and Apurimac (to the east) watersheds. The area along the Right of Way (RoW) in the Sillaccasa Sierra is largely uninhabited. The main settlements near the ELU are Soccos and Huaychao.
The Cerro Sillaccasa is the highest point of this high mountain landscape, ranging from approximately 3,566 to 4,222 m above sea level, which is nearly entirely dominated by tussock grasslands (83%), with small areas of sward-forming grassland (12%), peat bog wetlands (4%), resinous scrub (1%), and lagoons, such as Laguna Yanacocha. The tussock grasslands contain an uncommon orchid of the genus Aa, which is usually found in localized damp conditions near small streams. Some unique floristic elements of the wetlands are Myrosmodes orchids, which are considered to be near threatened by National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA).
Fauna of conservation interest include the puma (near threatened under International Union for Conservation of Nature-IUCN and INRENA) and Andean condor (Vulturgryphus), which is listed as near threatened in the IUCN list and endangered by INRENA. The silvery grebe (Podicepsoccipitalis), listed as near threatened by the INRENA, frequents the lagoons. A potentially new species of Liolaemus lizard was found in this ELU by the BMAP.