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Bearded mountaineer hummingbird

Oreonympha nobilis

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What are the characteristics of the species?

  • Oreonympha nobilis is a hummingbird that measures between 15.5-17 cm in length, with the bicolor forked tail (black and white), the white ventral region and the brown dorsal. The peak measures approximately 2 cm. The males have an elongated gular patch iridescent of green and purple colors.

  • Its distribution is very localized in the inter-Andean valleys with the subspecies O. n. nobilis in the Urubamba River Valley in Cusco and Apurímac, and the subspecies O. n. albolimbata in the Departments of Ayacucho and Huancavelica.

  • Its habitat is of semi-dry shrubland and open forests in the inter-Andean valleys of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Apurímac and Cuzco, between 1,700-3,900 m.

Where do we study the species?

The study was conducted in three locations: Huaychao (ELU 5), San Miguel (ELU 3) and Vinchos (ELU 7). Within these ELUs, evaluation points were selected using a GPS. The evaluation included the Provinces of Huamanga and La Mar, in the Department of Ayacucho.

What questions do we seek to answer with the study?

  • What is the distribution and abundance of O. nobilis in the area of ​​influence of the pipeline?

  • Are there differences in the presence of O. nobilis in sites near and far from the pipeline?

  • How is the bird community where O. nobilis lives?

What general results have we obtained to date?

  • A total of 9 O. nobilis sightings were recorded in two field trips with 12 evaluated sites.

  • The rarity of this species did not allow a statistical analysis that could evaluate if there was an impact of the gas pipeline.

  • There were 69 bird species recorded in total in the study area. The family with the highest number of species was Tyrannidae (15), followed by the families Emberizidae (13) and Trochilidae (hummingbirds 9).

  • The species with the highest frequency of list sightings were: Lesbia nuna (73 sightings). Zonotrichia capensis (68), Troglodytes aedon (60), Colibri coruscans (55) and Phrygilus plebejus (44).

  • Using the method of capture with fog nets, a total of 370 individuals belonging to 50 species were captured. The species with the most frequent catches were: Zonotrichia capensis (44 captures), Ochthoeca leucophrys (34), Colibri coruscans (31), Phrygilus plebejus (28), and Diglossa brunneiventris (26).


Why is the conservation of this species important?

  • O. nobilis is an endemic species of Peru and is categorized within the list of species of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as little concern.

  • Three of the 69 registered species are endemic to Peru, one is in the almost threatened category, and 68 in the minor concern list.

  • O. nobilis has a fairly limited distribution in inter-Andean valleys of southern Peru. He is known from approximately 11 locations throughout its distribution. There is little information regarding its natural history, habitat preference and why its distribution is restricted to such a small area.

  • O. nobilis is the pollinator of several species of plants in the area where it lives.

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